The need for all of us to practice good hygiene along with a combination of cleaning and disinfection has become more important now than ever. Everyone has to do their part daily to avoid and reduce chances of the COVID-19 virus being transmitted. Vehicle decontamination and vehicle disinfection plays an important part in helping us achieve this.
Although working from home has become a common norm in most places, various modes of transportation are still in regular use by individuals or in groups. People working in essential services rely on their own or public transportation to get to work. Any business using vehicles will need to protect their staff and passengers from infection. Families need their vehicles for purchasing daily essentials and many other purposes. Transport plays an essential role in our daily lives. To safely and effectively handle any vehicle decontamination and vehicle disinfection, always contact a professional biohazard cleaning company like Bio Hazard Services Pty Ltd to handle the task.
To help you take extra care in keeping vehicles disinfected, clean and safe for use, here are our tips on how to go about basic vehicle disinfection:
Wear the right protective gear and always keep yourself protected.
When venturing to clean and disinfect your vehicle, ensure wearing appropriate protective gear. Using a face mask and a pair of high-quality rubber gloves are vital. This is because as you dust surfaces inside and outside the vehicle, there will be a lot of dirt particles in the air.
Before putting on the gloves it is also advisable to apply an alcohol-based sanitiser on your hands. This acts as an extra layer of protection. If you do not have a full body protective suit, wear full length jeans and a full-sleeved top. In this way any direct contact to your skin is limited.
Follow your regular cleaning routine.
Initially, clean your vehicle in the normal manner that you would do. Floor mats should be removed and dusted down. Using a vacuum cleaner helps to get out all the dirt and grime from the corners from the floor mats as well as the seats.
Avoid anyone coming into contact with the vacuumed dirt. It should be put in a separate bin bag and disposed of immediately into the main waste bin.
Soak all carpets, floor mats and fabrics.
Add a liquid soap or regular detergent to a large tub of water and mix it well. Floor mats, carpets and any fabric in the vehicle that is removable should be soaked for a minimum of 30 minutes.
After getting them out and rinsing them, leave them in the sun to thoroughly dry them.
Scrub non-removable fabrics separately.
Any fabrics that can’t be removed should be scrubbed well with a separate soap-based mix. Use a sponge and dipped it in the mix, giving it a squeeze first so that it doesn’t soak your vehicle interiors.
Scrub down the seats, door panels and armrests reaching into all the corners. Don’t miss to clean the roof lining of the vehicle too.
Disinfect all interior surfaces of the vehicle.
After the vacuuming and scrubbed, it’s time to disinfect the vehicle. Use an alcohol-based disinfectant on a sponge and rub down all plastic parts. Sanitise the consoles, door panels, dashboard around the windscreen and between doors.
Parts of the vehicle like the rear view mirror, power window buttons, steering wheel, gear stick as well as the fuel lid and bonnet opener that see regular hand contact require special attention. As the boot sees most foreign object like shopping items, remember to clean and sanitise it too.
The vehicle exterior needs addressing too.
Use a separate soap mix for the vehicle exterior. This can be a more generous mixture to ensure all exterior surfaces are clean. Commonly touched parts like mirrors, door handles, boot, bonnet and fuel lid should be soaped well. The vehicle can be washed down after allowing the soap to sit for about 5 minutes. Any excess water can be wiped away using a dry cloth.
The final cleanup.
After cleaning and disinfecting your vehicle, it’s very important to effectively dispose any material used.
Any disposable material should not be left lying around. Any washable items like the vehicle wash cloths and sponges, as well as your clothes should go directly into the wash. Take a long shower to make sure you are safe too. Be proactive and get everything you used cleaned. Avoid any potential contamination of other surfaces.
Let Bio Hazard Services provide you safety and peace of mind.
To break the chain of virus transmission, any vehicle used by more than one person, or being used to carry goods needs to be disinfected.
Bio Hazard Services Pty Ltd provides vehicle decontamination and removal of other possibly infectious materials for all types of vehicles in all Metro and Regional locations NSW-wide. Our specialised team employs a thorough, multi-step approach to ensure all vehicle surfaces are cleaned, sanitised and free of biohazards. With decades of experience in the industry, we also offer a range of comprehensive and specialised biohazard cleaning, decontamination and disinfection, meth cleaning and restoration services.
Contact us here to get in touch with our vehicle decontamination technicians. You can also email us or call 0490439319. We provide 24×7 emergency response services for any biohazardous situations.